The Story behind ajbees

Fresh flowers are great, until they die and you’re left with a vase full of water that smells like absolute sh*t.

In 2011, my husband TJ was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer and following his first major surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital, I got the memo that fresh flowers were not permitted in his room or in that particular ward of the hospital. Turns out, stagnant water is one of the reasons why hospitals in Massachusetts and across the country no longer allow bedside flowers. Oncology, Cardiac, Intensive Care, and the NICU are among a few of the wards that have been declared flower-free zones. Citing possible risk of infection in patients with compromised immune systems posed by the bacteria and mold fresh flowers may harbor. Um, YIKES!!

So I started to wonder….how does one brighten up a hospital room and add a dose of cheer if fresh cut flowers are no longer welcome? 


Well, in 2012, I had a light-bulb moment and behold….AJBees! Handcrafted paper flower arrangements that require no water and no maintenance!

Amanda Baudanza